About Us

The Healthcare sector in the UAE and the rest of the GCC is set to grow exponentially in the next decade, but the health sector in GCC states is in a state of flux given regulatory and environmental changes, the need for e-health and health information, roll out of mandatory health insurance, population growth and the rising incidence of lifestyle diseases.

Led by a dynamic leader with extensive experience in the healthcare sector, Health Beyond Borders is a bespoke Dubai based healthcare advisory firm focused on the following services:

  • Healthcare Strategy and Research
  • Health Investment Facilitation
  • Healthcare Marketing and Business Development in UAE
  • Medical Tourism Consulting and Facilitation
  • Training and Workshops
  • HealthCare Business Set up
Laila Al Jassmi, 
CEO and Founder

Mrs. Jassmi is the former CEO of Health Policy & Strategy of Dubai Health Authority and in her previous role spanning over 21 years in DHA she had led efforts on strategic planning and transformation of Dubai’s health sector, health insurance reform, health funding strategy, public health strategy, health awareness and prevention programs, initial efforts to support and encourage e-health, healthcare statistics and health information systems, healthcare planning which includes Dubai Clinical Services Capacity Plan 2020, promoting and facilitating health investments, collecting and publishing annual health statistics, health research and analytics which includes the first ever Dubai Household Health Survey 2010. Mrs. Jassmi also championed the Health Authority’s efforts on medical tourism to Dubai and health insurance reform, being closely involved and leading the efforts on these projects for the emirate. She has been at the forefront of health sector reform and health information evolution in the UAE, and is a leading speaker on global and regional opportunities and challenges in healthcare demand and transformation, health funding, health strategy and research and health tourism. Write to our CEO at laila@healthbeyondborders.ae